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Enron's Secrets were not so Secret

Fourth Quarter 2006|Jim Williams| I recently came across an interesting article in The New Yorker magazine written by Malcolm Gladwell, the author of “The Tipping Point” and “Blink." A central point of Gladwell’s article is the distinction between puzzles and mysteries. So, what do we care whether Enron was a puzzle or a mystery? It has to do with what lessons might be learned. Mostly what seems to have been learned is based on the model of puzzle, not of a mystery. What else might we learn?

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IRA amounts to Charities

Third Quarter 2006|Jim Williams| Buried in the various arcane and esoteric provisions of tthe Pension Protection Act of 2006 is a provision that allows the exclusion of up to $100,000 of income for contribution of IRA assets to charity for contributions made in 2006 and 2007, provided the donor has reached age 70½ (and other requirements are met).

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Young People and Money

Second Quarter 2006|Jim Williams| I frequently find myself in conversations about young people and money. Usually a large component of the conversation deals with teaching responsibility with money and preparing young people to handle money appropriately and prudently.

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Trade Deficit

First Quarter 2006|Jim Williams| What causes a trade deficit and why is it so scary? The general perspective is to look at the flow of goods and services, look at the balance/imbalance and then decide whether to start sounding the alarm. But this ignores the other part of the transaction, that is: the money. The money side of the trade deficit is U.S. dollars in the hands of foreigners.

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Energy Prices

Third Quarter 2005|Jim Williams| Energy prices will never again be what they were a year or so ago, so go ahead and reserve your Prius. While as individuals we feel the pain of high energy prices, we will also see that conservation, alternative energy sources, more production from marginal oil & gas properties, and increased exploration will clearly result.

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