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Markets Are Down

Second Quarter 2008|Jim Williams| The most important and difficult task for an investor at a time like this is to manage emotions. It is a constant struggle to maintain equilibrium in such an environment, and many folks succumb to the siren's song and start taking actions based on emotions. Wrong thing to do. Wrong time.

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Stewardship of the CFP Marks

First Quarter 2008|Jim Williams| The Board does have a responsibility of stewardship of the marks, since the Board, as a non-profit corporation, is the legal owner of the marks. The Board seems to regularly overlook the fact that the marks have value only because of the efforts of the 55,000 certificants.

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An Outstanding Charity

Second Quarter 2007|Jim Williams| For those of us who feel that we've been blessed in some way, thoughts turn to how we might share these blessings. A big hurdle to fulfilling these intentions is the challenge in finding a suitable and deserving charitable organization. I've found such a place.

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