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Collaborative Planning

Dynamic Solutions Based On Your Particular Needs

When it comes to financial planning, we coordinate with our clients to gain an understanding of their overall financial picture by discussing cash flow, budgeting and debt consolidation. Part of our Discovery Interview process involves approaching your experiences with money, any lessons you’ve learned and your overall attitude when it comes to managing your wealth.

You may be approaching retirement or considering the purchase of a new home - no matter your questions, we’ll discuss the goals you have in mind and the experiences you want to have as we gauge what your priorities are. Outside of retirement and income planning, we’ll help you process your decisions around debt, budgeting and behavioral finance.

Specific Planning Areas

Net Worth and Cash Management Planning

How can I create a spending plan that allows me to enjoy life now while still working toward the vision of my  ideal life in the future?

Examples of Questions to DiscussExamples of Services Provided
  • How do I define quality of life?
  • What activities and endeavors do I enjoy?
  • Are there purchases or events I’d like to plan for, such as a new car or travel?
  • Are there adjustments I want to make that would  allow me to focus more time and energy on activities that are meaningful to me?
  • Assistance in developing a spending plan to use with your whole family.
  • Analyze and provide projections of future income  needs.
  • Proactively plan financially for life transitions.
  • Establish an appropriate emergency fund.
  • Determine debt management strategies.

Education Planning

 How can I generate a plan to address my desires to fund education for me and my family?

Examples of Questions to DiscussExamples of Services Provided
  • How do I define the importance of education in my life and that of my children and grandchildren?
  • What financial resources are currently available to me?
  • What are the tuition costs associated with specific institutions I am interested in?
  • How many years do I desire to fund my education goals?
  • Assistance in developing a college savings plan for your family.
  • Identify what specific resources can be used for college planning: retirement funds, brokerage accounts, education-specific accounts, etc.
  • Proactively design a plan that fits with my values and goals.

Retirement Savings and Income Planning

How can I build a foundation for financial independence and freedom of choice in my future?

Examples of Questions to DiscussExamples of Services Provided
  • What does an ideal life look like for me in retirement?
  • What activities and endeavors would I enjoy in this time of my life?
  • Are there particular aspirations I would like to pursue later in life?
  • What would I prefer my living and caregiving situation to look like as I get older?
  • Calculate retirement needs given desired age of retirement, lifestyle spending needs, and other goals.
  • Analyze retirement income sources, including Social Security benefits, IRA strategies, company pension/benefit plans, annuities, and other resources.
  • Create a distribution strategy that takes into consideration tax and penalties on withdrawals.

Risk Management and Insurance Planning

How can I protect myself and my family from unexpected obstacles or events that might take us off track from  reaching the vision of our ideal life?

Examples of Questions to DiscussExamples of Services Provided
  • What options are available to help my family stay happy and healthy?
  • What would I need to help me recover physically and financially after an unexpected accident?
  • What will help to protect my most cherished possessions and allow me to rebuild if something were to happen to our home?
  • What would I want for my family if I were to pass or become disabled unexpectedly?

Analyze the need for:

  • Healthcare Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Umbrella Insurance
  • Other Liability Insurance

Estate Planning

How can I communicate my wishes and provide peace of mind to my family if I become incapacitated or have passed away?

Examples of Questions to DiscussExamples of Services Provided
  • How can I make sure my loved ones receive the personal possessions that I want them to have?
  • What would I like to communicate to my loved ones about my preferences regarding medical assistance if I couldn’t make decisions for myself?
  • How would I like my wealth to be distributed?
  • Do I have concerns about how my wealth might  be used after my death and how can I communicate my wishes?

Assist you in working with an attorney to make sure  the necessary documents are in place: 

  • Creation of a will.
  • Identify powers of attorney, successor trustees and executor/executrix.
  • Establish trusts.
  • Assign beneficiaries.
  • Complete necessary medical forms for communicating wishes.

Interested in Organizing Your Financial Picture?

Learn About Our Process to Get Started