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Behavior Gap

First Quarter 2012|Jim Williams| It has been well documented that the overall performance of mutual funds is almost always quite a bit better than performance received by individual mutual fund investors. How can this be?

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Stewardship not Salesmanship

Fourth Quarter 2011|Jim Williams| Since our approach is one that does not change with short-term swings in the markets and does not depend on our predicting market turns, our story is essentially a one-time story which doesn’t lend itself to a new version each quarter. Still, it’s a good thing to revisit first principles from time to time just to keep the thought process grounded.

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Nobel Prize Winner

Third Quarter 2011|Jim Williams| The newest Nobel Prize (shared) winner in economics, Thomas J. Sargent, seems to be a man of few words. His research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy focuses on expectations; how they are formed, how they matter, and how they might be measured in macroeconomic models. The effort toward extending theories of expectations is particularly relevant these days.

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