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What are Financial Planners and Temporary Estate Tax Laws

Fourth Quarter 2010|Jim Williams| You may recall that when Congress enacted the Dodd- Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the act included a requirement that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) study the need for regulation of financial planners. Well, the study was just released. Most industry observers believe that the study falls short.

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Stewardship of the CFP Marks

First Quarter 2008|Jim Williams| The Board does have a responsibility of stewardship of the marks, since the Board, as a non-profit corporation, is the legal owner of the marks. The Board seems to regularly overlook the fact that the marks have value only because of the efforts of the 55,000 certificants.

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Third Quarter 2004|Jim Williams| I’m sure that most readers of this newsletter know who (what) the SEC is (the Securities and Exchange Commission). I doubt that many know what (who) the FPA is (the Financial Planning Association), much less, why a three-letter association has filed suit against a three-letter government agency.

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Bush Tax Reduction and the Certified Financial Planner Board

Fourth Quarter 2002|Jim Williams| President Bush recently announced a series of tax-reduction proposals that are being characterized and analyzed within the context of an economic stimulus plan. The centerpiece of the proposals is the elimination of taxes on dividends paid by recipients of those dividends, and the proposals would also accelerate reductions in the federal tax rate and marriage penalty. . Congressional Republicans are strongly in favor of the bill. Democratic opposition to the Bush plan is significant.

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The Best Job in the World and The Market Roller-Coaster

Third Quarter 2000|Jim Williams| You may have noticed that a few weeks ago, USA Today proclaimed that the job of a financial planner was at the top of their list of desirable jobs. I agree, but for different reasons than they cited. Bob Veres, a wise and thoughtful commentator on the financial advisory profession, outlined what he thought financial advisors do for their clients and identified four areas of core value.

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